Wednesday, September 1, 2010

windy city

I usually keep my post limited to Saturday runs but I am in Chicago this week and had a great day biking and running, and wanted to post some pics from the lake front trail.
from the hotel.

Adler planetarium with a statue of Copernicus, the guy who first postulated the earth goes around the sun (heliocentric).
The Shedd Aquarium

Buckingham fountain

A Pic from the lakeside of the McCormick center (where I’m working)

So many people were out tonight along the lake (great people watching) and the night was perfect for a good workout I had a hard time stopping.

Next time your in Chicago I highly recommend checking out the lake shore trail. Also I found a swim area at the edge of the lake that at least 20 – 30 people were swimming, looks like I’m bringing my wetsuit next week (a little warm up for square lake)

Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather.

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